
Youth Exchange “Let Our Hearts Make the Beat”


Biedrība UNTU

Tallinn, Estonia

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 15. jūlijs, 2020


Tallinn, Estonia

Dalībnieku Vecums

18 - 30

Dalības maksa

30 € (Ceļa izdevumi apmaksāti)



Youth Exchange “Let Our Hearts Make the Beat” aims to promote integration, cultural awareness, diversity, and active citizenship through creating and learning music and new media methods. This YE is developed to provide creative people and artists with an open-minded environment to channel their creative power into positive change in society.

- To generate increased awareness on Erasmus+ Projects
- To provide youngsters the creative capacity to share their visions for the future,
- To strengthen competency through cultural exchange and collaboration,
- To provide training for the young people in project-based song making & give them the opportunity to have training & educating in their local communities,
- To develop strong interpersonal, intercultural and social competences among participants through the process of sharing and discussing youth inclusion,
- To give a basic understanding of music-making and foster an environment of collaboration to address active citizenship.
- To develop the participants creative thinking.
- To promote innovative approaches in youth work in order to create social innovations.
- To resolve more problems young people face and to get a significant social impact via creative collaboration.
- To improve participants intercultural communication skills.
- To increase motivation and satisfaction in participants' creations.
- To promote intercultural dialogue and team building.

Participant’s profile:
- Aged 18-30
- At least an intermediate level of English
- young people who have an active interest in making music (no previous skills required!) OR musicians and industry professionals

-Accommodation and food will be fully covered by the Erasmus+ program
-Travel costs will be reimbursed
-Participation fee: 30 EUR

For more information feel free to contact us: youthexchange@logos.ngo

DDL for application: 15th of July, 23:00
Link for application form: https://forms.gle/zc6bxMbqor1mdGCn6

This poster prepared by the freelance artist from Belarus - Mari Skakun, check more here https://www.instagram.com/m.skakun_art/

Biedrība UNTU

Biedrība UNTU brings the values of the organization to young people in Latvia and worldwide. We focus our activities on mental and physical health, emotional intelligence experiences, art, crafting or music events. Our other big priority is climate change missions, promotion of sustainable ecological lifestyle and unity with nature through outdoor projects that we organize. UNTU represents a community of different people with diverse competencies and experiences united by one goal – to raise the amount of free open-minded persons, willing to bring a positive change in world. The main goal for UNTU is to provide young people and youth workers with the opportunity to get to know themselves through the surrounding reality, for making qualitatively new decisions about their lives and their own life missions.

The main target group are young people aged 18-35 who already are or want to become active, enthusiastic and motivated to learn/improve skills by trying new experiences, exchanging with the practices, training or volunteering, traveling to different countries to communicate with representatives of other international communities. All that for creation of own projects focused on a global peace building and the power of benefits of human cultural diversity and unity with nature. UNTU believes that open-minded people are like branches and roots of the one big tree of life, all connected to each other and in constant process of self-growth for a bigger aim to heal the planet.

From 2017 to 2020 UNTU activists were part of the big international network of different NGOs , but during the 2020 self-isolation routine, we came to the decision to reorganize the structure and values of the Latvian organization. Since early 2021 we took the new name NGO UNTU and new responsibilities with goals to work with further.

Our vision

Through our activities, we provide young people and youth workers with opportunities to learn and develop themselves personally and professionally, to show their skills to make a positive change in post-pandemic fast-changing reality. We want to develop the conscious society we live in and build it according to our peaceful and tolerant values.

UNTU is working actively with youth in such areas as peace-building promotion, art/crafting and music creation, volunteering, and education for empowerment and sustainability through outdoor education. For UNTU, each new project is an opportunity to manifest, learn from each other, build relationships and create common products in a company of open-minded persons for which we are ready to go to the other end of the planet, to find them. Because in such a company, with such people, you can make the most daring dreams and grandiose ideas of how to contribute to this world. Our members and volunteers have different backgrounds and stories, we believe that every new face is another universe to explore. UNTU provides the opportunity to develop yourself and others through healthy and ecological lifestyle, communication, art, music, crafting, digital technologies and unity with nature and your higher self. UNTU is always interested in new contact making and cooperation with open-minded partners. Besides that, we are trying to improve our organizing process all the time to be productive with our projects and to implement them more and more.UNTU has members experienced in Erasmus+ program participating and organization on the local and international level. Our team is a young and motivated volunteer community that is ready for active cooperation, sharing with experience, building a partnership in a win-win position, following one path through you to yourself.

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