Apmaiņas programma

Youth Exchange "C O G N I T I V E A R T I S T R Y"


Express Yourself

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 30. marts (sestdiena)

Dalībnieku Vecums

18 - 25

Dalības maksa


📍Biedrība Express Yourself (Erasmus + Latvia) uzsāk Erasmus + projekta 5 dalībnieku atlasi (vēlams dzimuma līdztiesība) Youth Exchange "C O G N I T I V E A R T I S T R Y" , kas notiks 10.06.24-21.06.24, Vig, Dānijā

Integrating, Spirituality, Community and Sustainability

Project place only 1 hour away from Copenhagen, is a registered bio- dynamic and organic farm with 13 hectares. We are designing and implementing a permaculture design for the property, which includes space for polytunnels, orchard with nuts, fruits and berries and different kinds of gardens – medicinal, herbal, market and kitchen one. Our vision is to provide experiences, training and

information in the areas of yoga and meditation, community formation and leadership, personal development, health and healing, and sustainable and self-reliant living

🔹Venue: Vig, Denmark

🔹Date: 10.06.2024 - 21.06.2024

🔹Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Cognitive Artistry"

💲Travel expense reimbursement: 275 Eur

🔹PARTICIPANTS: 3 participants per country, Ideally, participants should be in a position of daily up keeping the social media platforms for their NGOs

🔹Age range: from 18 to 25 years old.

🔹There must be equity in age and gender.

🌍Project countries-Denmark, Romania, Serbia, Greece, Latvia, Italy




Empower young individuals with critical thinking, problem-solving, and self- awareness skills through metacognition.

Raise awareness about climate change and environmental sustainability using ecological art.

Promote active citizenship, intercultural understanding, and inclusion among youth.

Our vision at Project is to provide experiences, training and

information in the areas of yoga and meditation, community formation and leadership, personal development, health and healing, and sustainable and self-reliant living.

p.s. During your stay you will be sleeping in common

bedrooms based on gender. We follow the yogic system of diet – a type of vegetarian diet based on foods which are good for both the body and the mind. Participants are also expected to refrain from smoking and use of drugs or alcohol while on the property.

Express Yourself

Jauniešu iesaiste uzņēmējdarbībā. Jauniešu un bērnu invalīdu integrācija sabiedrībā. Sociālo problēmu risināšana saistībā ar vardarbību ģimenē. Bāreņu integrācija sabiedrībā. Sociālo problēmu risināšana. Latviešu bērnu nometņu organizēšana ārvalstīs. Nometņu organizēšana pašapziņas celšanai gan bērniem, gan pieaugušajiem. Darbinieku profesionālās izaugsmes veicināšana. Cittautiešu iepazīstināšana un integrācija latviskajā vidē. Valsts atbalsta mazā un vidējā biznesa attīstībai veicināšana. Filantropijas attīstības sekmēšana. Ētikas normu celšana. Veicināt starppaaudžu un starpkultūru dialogu.

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