Sales Development Researcher



Pieteikšanās termiņš: 24. septembris, 2021


Pilna laika

Darba alga (pirms nodokļu nomaksas)

1200 - 1600 €

Darba valoda



Pilnībā klātienē
Pārsvarā klātienē
Daļēji / Hibrīds
Tikai pēc nepieciešamības
Pilnībā attālināti

We are looking for an Sales Development Researcher, who will learn and grow their skills, so that in time they can help prospects to see how Lokalise can increase their productivity, bring down the costs and shorten time to market.

You will:

  • In general, help prospects to see how Lokalise can increase their productivity, bring down the costs and shorten time to market
  • Search for potential customers and approach them through various channels (running email campaigns, social networks etc.)
  • Work with existing ideal customer profiles (ICP) as well as later, when you know Lokalise enough, come up with your own ideas who our customers might be
  • Use our numerous warm email templates and, again, come with your own creative wording
  • Communicate via emails, deal with replies - book demo calls for Sales Executives or just arrange free trials with Lokalise
  • Manage your activities using the CRM
  • Learn, leverage and help to improve our demand generation and sales process.
  • Work together with the team to look for improvements and develop new approaches

You must have:

  • Strong written communication skills in English
  • Positive, self-starter, resilient attitude
  • Desire to learn about both Lokalise and potential customers
  • Attention to details and ownership of the role as if it was your own business

It will be considered a significant advantage if you have:

  • B2B SaaS industry knowledge
  • Ambition to build a career in Sales

Our offer:

  • Competitive salary and employee stock options plan
  • Learning & development program
  • Flexible working hours
  • Unlimited vacation policy
  • Health insurance
  • Wellness benefits
  • Top notch tech equipment to work with
  • Great startup atmosphere, team spirit and team events
IT & Tehnoloģijas
Bez pieredzes


Lokalise ir pasaulē visstraujāk augošais B2B SaaS uzņēmums valodu tehnoloģiju nozarē. Tā ir digitālo produktu lokalizācijas un tulkošanas platforma. Uzņēmums dibināts 2017.gadā, Rīgā.

2020.gada pavasarī uzņēmums pārgāja uz pilnībā attālinātu darba modeli un nu tam ir vairāk, nekā 120 darbinieki 23 valstīs. Tā paša gada rudenī uzņēmums arī piesaistīja savas pirmās investīcijas 6 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, kas ir viens no lielākajiem pirmreizējiem ieguldījumiem Latvijas jaunuzņēmumu vēsturē.

2020.gadā Accel novērtēja uzņēmumu kā vienu no 100 labākajiem mākonī balstītajiem uzņēmumiem Eiropā, kuru vērtība ir zem 1 miljarda ASV dolāru.

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