
Visual Art Open Awards 2024


Visual Artists Association

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 14. decembris, 2023

Dalībnieku Vecums

16 - ...

Dalības maksa

20 - 60 £

All UK & International artists are invited to apply for the Visual Art Open Award 2024. Presented by the Visual Artists Association, the prestigious VAO 2024 Award is now celebrating its eighth edition and offers a Prize Fund worth £10,000.

  • All mediums across 5 categories: Painting/Mixed Media/Printmaking - Illustration/Drawing - Sculpture – Photography/Digital - Young Artist (16 – 24 years old).
  • Entry cost - £20 for 1st submission and £10 per additional artwork £15.00 for entrants under 24 years and £10 per additional artwork.
  • The award is open to both amateur and professional artists of all levels.
  • Overall winner: £2,000 Cash prize, Certificate of Achievement, Premium Annual Membership with the Visual Artists Association, Annual mentorship programme, Momentum Programme, Solo show in London, and Art vouchers or Art supplies.
  • Category winner: £250.00 Cash, Premium Annual Membership with the Visual Artists Association, Art Exhibition of Finalists in London, Additional Online Promotion, Certificate of Achievement
  • All Finalists will be awarded: Certificate of Achievement, ​Additional Online Promotion
  • All Submissions: promoted on social media and email coverage to 60,000, plus an invitation to the annual show.

Applications close Midnight 14th December 2023. Artists are invited to apply online at:


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