
VAA In-Person Networking Event - The Other Art Fair - Brooklyn, NY


Visual Artists Association

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 18. maijs, 2024

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Our networking meet up is open to all artists, both members and non-members of the Visual Artists Association. This will take the form of an hour-long informal catch up. You will have the chance to meet like-minded working artists, see The Other Art Fair, and form a community with those local to you.

For our New York-based artists, this event will be taking place during The Other Art Fair in Brooklyn at ZeroSpace, 337-345 Butler St, Brooklyn, NY 11217 at 4:00pm on Sunday the 19th of May. Admission is free to all and includes a free ticket to The Other Art Fair.

Spaces are limited to 20 artists only. Once tickets have sold do get in touch at to be put on a waitlist. If you can’t make the event, get in touch and we can open the space to another artist.

Please visit to learn more about The Other Art Fair.

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