
Promo video izveide pasākumam


Evolving YOUth

Pieteikšanās termiņš: 14. februāris (trešdiena)

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latviešu, angļu


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Par atlīdzību vienosimies 

Evolving YOUth

Evolving YOUth is an organization whose main goals are supporting and promoting youth initiatives, creating favorable conditions for intellectual, creative and cultural development. Providing young people with the opportunity to acquire the skills, knowledge and experience necessary for personal and professional growth through non-formal education. To contribute to the development of civil society and to promote intercultural communication through the activities of the associations and through projects implemented by them. This NGO was founded after several experiences of volunteering at both - local and international levels, after which as a group we decided to take an active role in providing young people in the local cmmunity with opportunities to acquire new skills and enable them to participate in promoting civil society.

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